Thursday, July 12, 2012

BBT: Guilty Pleasure

This week Booking Through Thursday ask:
What book(s) have you read that you’re secretly ashamed to admit?
There is no one book that I am ashamed to admit that I read.

But my guilty pleasure that I don't admit to often is romance/erotica.  I read them, but I don't review them.  Whenever I find myself in a reading funk, I pop on of these open and plow right through them.  In a weekend I can read about 3 romance/erotica books.

Romance/erotica is one of the main reason I love my Nook.  I don't drive so when I am on the bus I tend to pull out a book.  Nothing seems is more embarrassing then pulling out a bodice ripper.  Now, I can read them without having to worry about some seeming the cover.  There still is the chance that someone is reading over my shoulder, but I doubt that happens at all.  People in Miami don't seem to interested in books.

Another great thing about romance/erotica is that it is easy to find free or cheap eBooks.  The quality is not always the best, but I read them for enjoyment not for deep intellectual insight or beautiful, elegant writing.

What's your guilty pleasure?


  1. The Kindle or Nook come in handy for keeping those covers under

    Here's MY BTT POST

  2. WOW..3 in a weekend? I always felt that 1 of the negatives with EReaders was that you can't see what someone is reading but now I know why lol. Thank you for stopping by. Have a fun upcoming weekend, and am wondering if it will include 3 books lol.

  3. A nook is a good idea.

  4. At least it gets you out of your funk.

  5. LOL, very true. The covers on those romance novels are the worst!

  6. This is sooooo true.I read them but don't review them, but I enjoy them LOL. My kindle broke so I just listen to music on the bus now,I can't pull out my erotic book in front of a bus full of people LOL
